Enjoy a bright bouquet of tulips that will never lose its bloom! This cheerful arrange of orange, yellow, and pink tulips is accented with little purple flowers and a trio of butterflies for beautiful spring and summer wall art. This exclusive paint-by-number design is only available at Herrschners. It comes with pre-mixed paint, so you always have the perfect shade with no need to mix or blend paints. Kit includes printed canvas on a wooden frame, pre-mixed acrylic paints, detail paintbrush, and easy instructions. Finished painting measures 16 x 20" (41 x 51cm).
• Herrschners-exclusive paint-by-number kit includes printed canvas on a wooden frame, pre-mixed acrylic paints, detail paintbrush, and easy instructions.
• Artwork features butterflies flitting around a bouquet of orange, yellow, and pink tulips with little purple flowers.
• Painting measures 16 x 20" (41 x 51cm).
• Frame not included.