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Afghan Content

Afghan Content

Jun 1st 2022

The Herrschners National Afghan Contest has been a showcase of customer talent for over 30 years. This annual contest began in 1991, when Herrschners hosted the First Annual Grand National Afghan Competition at the Iowa State Fair. Participants from across the country sent in absolutely beautiful afghans to be judged, with over 700 afghans submitted from stitchers in 46 states. “Best of Show” was awarded in three categories: cross-stitch, knit, and crochet. The winning afghans were featured in the spring 1992 Herrschners catalog, along with 16 first, second, and third place winners. An additional 16 crochet afghans were selected from the contest and made available as kits in the catalog. Herrschners customers could purchase the pattern and yarn to re-create the beautiful, unique afghans for their own home!


The contest has gone through some changes over time. While initially the contest included both original designs and afghans stitched from already-existing patterns, contest rules now require all entries to be the participant’s own, original design. With so many talented amateur designers across the country, the contest gives them a chance to display their talents and see their work admired and re-created by knitters and crocheters like themselves.

Another change has been to the contest categories. The cross-stitch category was eliminated so the contest could focus solely on knit and crochet afghans. As thematic trends began to show in the entries, new categories were added. In addition to the original knit and crochet categories, winners are now also chosen in the baby, juvenile, and holiday categories. Afghans in these new categories can be either knit or crochet.

For many years, each category had one first place winner and a few honorable mentions. Recently, the judging process changed to select one winning afghan in each category—knit, crochet, juvenile, baby, and holiday. From those winners, one afghan is selected as the grand champion. Occasionally, one design stands out from the rest during judging and is handpicked by the CEO of Herrschners to receive the prestigious President’s Award.

Winners receive a monetary prize (grand champion earns $3,000!), become a part of Herrschners history, and have their name featured in the catalog with award-winning afghan. Customers can purchase the kit with the yarn and pattern to make each afghan or the pattern book including the complete collection of that year’s winning patterns.

Just like that first contest, there are some exceptional afghans that impress the judges but unfortunately are not chosen as the winner. Knowing how much customers will admire them, these afghans are also often made available as kits in the catalog so customers can experience the beautiful designs.


All aspiring knit and crochet designers are invited to submit their original designs to the Herrschners National Afghan Contest. Entering is easy. Simply send the completed entry form and fee to Herrschners by June 15. You’ll receive an entry tag in return to pin to your finished afghan. Afghan models with entry tag must be postmarked for delivery by July 15. You do not need to submit the written pattern with your afghan. Winners will be notified after judging with further details and instructions on submitting your written pattern. Afghans not selected as winners will be returned to the participants.